Ovira period pain
Other tech

Healthtech startup Ovira is helping women tackle a key problem – drug-free period pain relief

- February 10, 2023 2 MIN READ

Female readers know how bad period pain can get. For the men, I’d say, imagine being kicked in the nuts every month for four days straight. Oof. Ouch, right?  That’s what it feels like for your mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, or any friends with a vagina going through primary menstrual pain (dysmenorrhoea) or, even worse,… Read more »


Startup funding continues to slow

- September 7, 2022 2 MIN READ

Investors kept their wallets shut once again in August with Australian startups receiving a combined $225 million worth of funding over 32 deals. That’s nearly half the amount of funding announced in August 2021 ($443 million), according to the Cut Through Venture newsletter, and is a sign of a continued investment slowdown coinciding with interest… Read more »


ANZ startups saw over $10 billion worth of investment in 2021

- January 24, 2022 2 MIN READ

Last year set a new record for investment in startups from Australian and New Zealand with more than $10 billion landing in the pockets of local entrepreneurs. The figures come from Chris Gillings’s Cut Through Venture newsletter which provides a monthly snapshot of the money flowing into the startup ecosystem. Investments ramped up through 2021,… Read more »

Winitha Bonney

YBF launches Victorian Tech Startup Week to kickstart Victoria’s tech ecosystem

- March 5, 2021 4 MIN READ

 Startup tech and innovation leaders YBF will play host to the Victorian Tech Startup Week in March. The plan: facilitate connections between the YBF  Startup Immersion Program graduates and the local startup community and boost the startup scene with a week-long series of workshops and activities to reignite collaboration. Prior to the pandemic, Victoria’s startup… Read more »


Cruiser Interactive takes collaboration to the next level at Harbour City Labs

- April 18, 2019 4 MIN READ

It’s been four years since Dr Anthony Collins launched Cruiser Interactive, a spinoff of a technology research project developed at the University of Sydney. Cruiser Interactive delivers innovative solutions for meeting spaces, operations centres and cultural spaces offering organisations the ability to connect and collaborate at scale in real time. Collins tells Startup Daily the… Read more »