
Top 50 Social Crusaders and Change Makers 2014

- May 19, 2014 2 MIN READ

The changes these people are trying to make in the world are wide and varied, from cleaning up pollution of our waterways to continuing the fight for the status of women in our workforce. Each cause is important and each person is a true crusader giving a voice to many that are not fortunate enough to be in position to voice theirs.


Shoe String’s TOP 25 Social Entrepreneurs & Change Makers 2013

- October 11, 2013 < 1 MIN READ

Our list of 25 people that should be recognised in the Australian community for the work they are doing when it comes to social entrepreneurship and change making. The list was chosen by looking at the causes they were championing, their media and marketing activities, the strategies they use to drive awareness and the impact they are currently making.