
Shoe String’s TOP 25 Social Entrepreneurs & Change Makers 2013

- October 11, 2013 < 1 MIN READ

When you look at the Australian Business Landscape there has been a significant increase in the amount of entrepreneurs that have moved towards a model of ‘business for purpose’ these trail blazers believe in not only building a profitable and sustainable business, but one that makes a big impact on the world in some way or another bringing about change and provoking consumers to think about the choices they make when it comes to what they buy, sell and how to better manage their resources.

Below is our list of 25 people that should be recognised in the Australian community for the work they are doing when it comes to social entrepreneurship and change making. The list was chosen by looking at the causes they were championing, their media and marketing activities, the strategies they use to drive awareness and the impact they are currently making.


[table caption=”25 Aussie Social Entrepreneurs & Changemakers” width=”650″ colwidth=”20|900|300|500|30″ colalign=”centre|centre|centre|centre|centre”]
1,Daniel Flynn,Thankyou.co,Water | Food | Hygiene,VIC
2,Shanil Samarakoon,Empower,Self-Reliant Communities,NSW
3,Ehon Chan,Soften the FCK Up,Mental Health,VIC
4,Chantelle Baxter,One Girl,Female Education,VIC
5,Avis Mulhall,Think Act Change,Connecting Changemakers,NSW
6,Rebecca Scott, STREAT,Homelessness,VIC
7,Dustin Leonard,Hero Condoms,HIV in Africa,NSW
8,Creel Price, Club Kidpreneur,Education,NSW
9,Ronnie Khan,OzHarvest,Food Waste,NSW
10,Tim Kenworthy,Useful Inc,Helping Communities,WA
11,Akram Azimi,I am the Other,Indigenous Mentoring,WA
12,Carolyn Curtis,Family by Family,Helping Families,SA
13,John O’Brien,CleanTech,Clean Tech Investments,SA
14,Cameron Burgess,uncompromise,Change Making,QLD
15,Peter Ball,Buffed,Employment,QLD
16,Tom Dawkins,Start Some Good,Crowdfunding,NSW
17,Tim Silverwood,ReChusable,Pollution,NSW
18,Sebastien Robertson,Batyr,Youth Empowerment,NSW
19,Rachel Taylor & Rebeka Jaguers,Living Fundraisers,Eco friendly fundraising,NSW
20,Edmond Lee,OneHug,How far can one hug go?,NSW
21,Kimi Anderson,TravelGiver.com,Socially Conscious Travel,NSW
22,Michelle Williams,Ideaction,Business for Purpose,NSW
23,Nick Savaidis,Jinta Sport,Fairtrade & Community,VIC
24,Anne Gawen,Connecting Up,Empowering NFPs,SA
25,Lisa Fox,Open Shed,Collaborative Consumption,NSW