Meet the CEO of HCF, Sheena Jack

- October 20, 2017 2 MIN READ

Sheena Jack is the CEO of HCF. She has been a key member of the HCF executive team for more than 10 years, first as Chief Financial Officer and then as Chief Strategy Officer from 2014. What gets you firing every morning? I think it’s generally a really great time to be in business; there’s just… Read more »


Meet HCF Catalyst alumni

- October 20, 2017 6 MIN READ

Heba Shaheed, founder of The Pelvic Expert Heba Shaheed is the founder of The Pelvic Expert, an online platform providing education and solutions for women with pelvic health issues, including nutrition, exercise, and self-care advice. Tell us what gets you firing every morning? The lack of education and awareness currently out there on women’s health… Read more »


Meet the HCF Catalyst mentors

- October 20, 2017 3 MIN READ

Professor Hung Nguyen, University of Technology Sydney Hung Nguyen is Professor in the School of Biomedical Engineering and Director of the Centre for Health Technologies at UTS. He has been involved with research in the areas of biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence, neurosciences and advanced control for more than 25 years. He has developed several biomedical… Read more »


How health insurer HCF found opportunities for collaboration with aged care Startup Curo

- June 23, 2017 5 MIN READ

According to the Australia’s Health 2016 report, Australia’s health expenditure hit $155 billion in 2013-14, or 9.8 percent of the country’s GDP; this was up from $150 billion in 2012-13, and almost $95 billion, adjusted for inflation, in 2003-04. This spend is due to a population that is both growing and ageing, with advancements in… Read more »


What is the Qantas AVRO Scaleup program?

- April 11, 2017 4 MIN READ

From a standing start a decade ago, Australia’s Startup landscape has grown exponentially over the last few years; there are more resources devoted to helping new Startups get off the ground than ever before, with coworking spaces, incubators, and accelerators aplenty, targeting every niche imaginable. On the surface, it may seem like all these efforts… Read more »