
Bidz Direct ended up raising $400,000 in seed funding despite bad taste left behind in the sector by Alphatise

- June 26, 2015 3 MIN READ

In March, I wrote an article about Bidz Direct, in which I stated that the startup’s biggest challenge was going to be the bad press surrounding another startup playing in the same space Alphatise. I also said that co-founders Phil Tran and Zaven Matevosian would face some tough questions as they prepared to launch their platform and raise funds.


Startup Alphatise empowering consumers to drive retail prices

- January 28, 2014 3 MIN READ

Co-founded by Australian entrepreneurs Paul Pearson and Richard Frey, Alphatise is set to bring the power back into the hands of consumers when it comes to product pricing. Launching in May this year, Alphatise creates a unique marketplace in which consumer drive deals on items they want and suppliers sell items based on market demand.