Women in Tech

Scale Investors launches edtech platform to help female founders find capital

- March 22, 2022 2 MIN READ
Chelsea Newell, Catherine Robson, and Samar McHeileh from Scale Investors
Women-focused angel investment network Scale Investors has launched an online education platform, EducatEd female founders be more successful raising capital, and investors back more entrepreneurs. 

The platform has been designed and curated with the help of some of the most influential investors and founders across the country including founders turned funders, Sarah Hamiton, Noga Edelstein. Jodie Imam as well as founding VC partners at Folklore, the Foundry, Startmate, SBE Australia, Artesian, Square Peg and Sakalta. 

The EducatEd platform, developed thanks to an $800,000 grant from the federal government, offers programs for both founders and investors.

The programmes features three key components:

  • FoundEd, a free 5-day introductory webinar education series for female founders held in early 2022 offering bite-sized online education content and the opportunity to network with trail-blazing women entrepreneurs.
  • EmpowerEd, a 10-week program, targeting female founders, that combines online learning, small cohort sessions, mentorship, and personalised support. This course is specifically designed to decode the world of capital raising.
  • InvestEd, a self-paced, Angel Investing 101 online program that targets new early stage investors and explores the significant risks and rewards of Angel investing in startups. The program has been curated by leading angel investors

Scale Investors is currently looking for female founders to take part in its first EmpowerEd programdue to start in April.

The cost is $1300 for the 10 week course, however scholarships are available to women from minority, marginalised, historically oppressed groups or people experiencing financial hardship. Scale co-CEO Samar McHeileh also made a special offer of a 50% discount to viewers of the Startup Daily program on aubiz today when we interviewed her, if they enter “ausbiz” as their discount code. 

 “Our vision is to create a world where gender does not limit access to capital and we believe that education is a key driver in closing the investment gender-gap. That’s why we created EducatEd,” she said.

“We want to educate more female founders about how to raise capital and create a safe and inclusive learning space which provides all women-led businesses with the tools to access support and capital.”

Kym Cooper, co-founder of East Forged was among the 350 women who took the FoundEd course in February.

“I was looking for more guidance on the strategic thinking behind the capital raising process and the program appealed because it allowed investors to share their unique insights and perspectives,” she said.

“In particular, Gabrielle Munzer from Main Sequence Ventures, introduced ‘The Slamdunk Financing Model.’ It really helped, as it provided a framework for me to think more strategically about fundraising.

“I have since adapted the model for our business and gained more confidence and control of my fundraising process, such as when I need to raise, what business metrics I need to reach and who I need to approach. FoundEd was definitely worth my time and I would certainly recommend it to other founders.”

For more information on EducatEd and to sign up, go to scaleinvestors.com.au/scale-educated