
The 5 barriers the CSIRO found to innovation in Australia

- November 6, 2020 2 MIN READ

Australian companies face five key barriers to unlocking value in innovation in a new report from the CSIRO. Talking to private and public sector leaders, the Value of science and technology report by the CSIRO Futures team, identified a range of issues, including declining investment in innovation – despite the push into tackling Covid-19 in 2020… Read more »


QUANTUM LEAP: CSIRO predicts a new tech sector will generate $4 billion annually within 20 years

- May 22, 2020 2 MIN READ

The quantum technology sector could be worth more than $4 billion annually and create 16,000 jobs by 2040, according to a report by CSIRO. The Growing Australia’s Quantum Technology Industry report sees potential in everything from national security to mineral exploration, drug and materials development, and communications from spin offs resulting from quantum physics developments.… Read more »