Global tech

How the world’s biggest tech companies are sanctioning Russia over the Ukraine invasion

- March 7, 2022 4 MIN READ

The world’s five leading tech companies – Google (now Alphabet), Apple, Facebook (now Meta), Amazon and Microsoft – have taken steps to impose significant and (mainly) voluntary sanctions on Russia, in response to its invasion of Ukraine. But the decisions didn’t come unprompted. Ukraine has lobbied the major tech companies in the same way it… Read more »

bitcoin russia

Russia and its oligarchs are using cryptocurrency to get around global financial sanctions

- March 4, 2022 3 MIN READ

Harsh economic sanctions were meant to punish Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, but there are already signs that Russia’s government and wealthy oligarchs may be using cryptocurrency to work around Western financial controls. Backed by tax havens around the world including Switzerland and Monaco, direct sanctions on Russian President Vladimir Putin and the wealthy oligarchs that support him have… Read more »