Kids on bike with rockets
Business strategy

A VC explains why founders should look at accelerators to take their startup to the next level

- July 14, 2023 2 MIN READ

The journey of a startup is seldom a solitary endeavour. It’s an expedition steeped in camaraderie, mentorship and, crucially, timely intervention. A pivotal lifeline, often undervalued or misunderstood, is the startup accelerator. Today, as a technology venture capitalist and a mentor with the Founder Institute, I’d like to share why accelerators warrant serious consideration from… Read more »

crossing the bay of mont saint michel
Business strategy

A VC offers advice on 8 strategies for founders in challenging times

- May 16, 2023 3 MIN READ

I recently returned from Silicon Valley where I had insightful conversations with a diverse range of founders and investors. These discussions shed light on the challenges faced by technology startups in the current funding landscape. With venture capitalists (VCs) taking longer to respond and valuations subdued, it is crucial for founders to approach these obstacles… Read more »

Cinderella, slipper

Product-market: How to read the right signals to ensure what you’re selling is what customers really want

- October 12, 2021 4 MIN READ

Last week I was chatting with a founder who claimed they had achieved product-market fit with their novel technology business. She and her co-founder had been working hard on the product for months. Their solution was in beta, it already had several users, and was generating valuable feedback from these users. She proudly explained that… Read more »


VENTURE DEBT: Friend or foe for startup founders?

- December 13, 2019 3 MIN READ

  A growing number of start-ups are accessing venture debt to fund the growth of their business. With the primary appeal of limiting equity dilution, it’s easy to see why founders might jump on board the venture debt train. But venture debt has been linked to a number of collapsing startups both here and in… Read more »


5 ways to make sure your investment pitch is perfect

- May 15, 2019 4 MIN READ

  Pitches are difficult to get right. Despite all the blogs and material about how to perfect startup pitches, presenting to investors is still a challenging task. Founders often obsess over their pitch: from fine-tuning the value proposition to religiously following Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 model, cramming as much as possible in their 20-minute pitch to… Read more »