Business strategy

The 5 whys of customer research

- August 31, 2022 3 MIN READ

The goal of customer research at the earliest stages of a startup journey is to help us validate/ invalidate the assumptions we have made when believing we that we know what customers want. Chances are, in the first few years, your tech startup is more based on a hypothesis than the satisfied paying customers you’re… Read more »

Cinderella, slipper

Product-market: How to read the right signals to ensure what you’re selling is what customers really want

- October 12, 2021 4 MIN READ

Last week I was chatting with a founder who claimed they had achieved product-market fit with their novel technology business. She and her co-founder had been working hard on the product for months. Their solution was in beta, it already had several users, and was generating valuable feedback from these users. She proudly explained that… Read more »