
Upgrade your business’s old technology without the upfront costs

- May 10, 2018 2 MIN READ

In a worldwide study of some 3800 workers, employees said tech-related problems formed an incredible 46 percent of time wasted in their workplace – ‘slow and glitchy software and devices’ and ‘fixing broken technology’ making up the bulk of this lost time.

There are many reasons why businesses decide not to upgrade their technology – financial reasons are a major factor, as is the hesitancy to disrupt work flow by overhauling existing IT infrastructure, which includes the devices that you rely on, on a day-to-day basis. But when small businesses lose one week in productivity every year due to old technology, postponing the move could be costing you more time and money than you think.

Related: Ready your business for the cloud revolution

While many businesses recognise the importance of equipping themselves with the right tech, not every business can afford wide scale upgrades every couple of years – so how can you make sure you aren’t getting left behind?

PC manufacturers like Lenovo are offering PC as a Service (PCaaS), which is a cost-effective way for businesses to upgrade to the latest devices without putting a damper on cash flow.

The idea has evolved from the Software as a Service (SaaS) business model, a growing area for startups both at home and abroad which sees centrally-hosted software licensed on a subscription basis; over 46 percent of Australian startup founders were working on a SaaS solution last year, according to the 2017 Startup Muster report.

Like SaaS, PCaaS is an effective solution for dynamic workplaces. It means you can be flexible – adding or reducing the number of machines as you need them, so you’re never paying for more than what actually need. By leaving the burden of upgrading to a specialist company, it also frees up precious IT resources.

It works like an all-in-one membership, offering hardware, software and full IT service at a fixed monthly cost. This is particularly helpful for small businesses with limited finances or those that want to try before they buy. It means they can harness the benefits of faster, more responsive technology and build a smarter workplace without the large barrier of cost.

As part of a PCaaS membership, companies like Lenovo take care of all the tech installation onsite and help migrate existing data to new devices. They provide constant support and can fix potential issues with their devices remotely, which means quicker response times, improved employee satisfaction and a huge relief for many business owners.

For businesses that would prefer to own, there are payment models where, instead of an upfront, lump-sum payment for your PC, or several PCs, you can now pay off your tech on a monthly basis. This means upgrading is accessible for businesses of all budgets.

Find more information about the Lenovo PC as a Service and about payment options for small businesses.