Undies. A Massive Industry that makes A LOT of Money, there are the dominant players that we all know of such as Bond and Rio who have had monopoly over the market place for years, but over the past few years we have seen a rise in new innovative underwear startups that are beginning to make big traction. With their agile sales strategies, clever marketing and intelligent distribution channels, the new kids in undies are beginning to claw the market share away from the big boys – In a Big Way! Let’s take a look at some of the players in the Underwear industry making a name for themselves.
Perhaps one of the Greatest Success stories of the past 10 years. Constantly evolving in their designs and additional offerings they are a marketing machine which has basically captured the entire gay market. Innovations such as their Wonderjock technology to “enhance” what you are packing have been the topic of many a conversation with my friends and I at our favourite Oxford Street haunts. They have a great presence online and strong sales each year – and then their is advertising and PR shoots like this picture below…
They just launched last year, but for those who like to know A LOT of research has gone into making your undies – Aphroman is your poison, their bamboo / spandex blend is proven to absorb moisture, great for people that do a lot of exercise. They are still in the early days but are starting to gain some real traction from their online store, we predict they will start to target the skate market soon.
These guys are from the Gold Coast and have done well by strategically partnering with influential celebrities and sports people to sell their brand and gain A LOT of traction in both Australian and Overseas Markets. They have a multichannel sales operation and loads of cool edgy funky designs. Their Social Media following is Massive and they have a highly engaged audience of returning customers.
When people at Pacific Brands lost their job in 2009, the daughter of one of the employees affected by the redundancies, had a vision to bring back Australian made underwear. This brand is true blue 100% Aussie Made in Sydney. With NRL Star Beau Ryan as an Ambassador along with Esther Anderson fro their female brand these guys are starting to make some big traction. Their goal is to have a pair of them in every Australian Household.
Founder of UnderBracks – Nick Bracks has always been in the spotlight with his father being the Premier of Victoria for Many years. He has a very successful modelling career and knows how to bust a move, appearing on a recent series of Dancing with the Stars. His new Undie brand, has not been launched for very long – but we don’t think it is going to be much time before it is giving the likes of Aussie Bum a run for it’s money. Oh and he also models his own product – and ladies – definitely check out the two potential TVC ads and choose which one you would like to see go to air – I am taking my choice very seriously and watching it multiple times.
Pictures [SMH, Websites and Homotrophy, Adelaide Now]
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