
Announcement: Shoe String Media partners with Pinstripe Media

- January 21, 2014 2 MIN READ

Announcement from Shoe String Media Founder, Mat Beeche:

The 12th of January marked the beginning of our third year here at Shoe String Media, and boy has a lot changed! Over the past couple of years, I’ve made a bazillion mistakes and have had the opportunity to engage in a lot of Flearning as Mick Liubinskas would put it.

What started out as a blog about what was happening across Australia’s startup and business scene has turned into something that I never imagined it would. We have two publications now in the business and budget traveller market, and this year we will push the boundaries even further as we prepare to launch a play into the internet TV market in Australia with new original content across all genres, focusing on capturing the 16 to 34 year old market.

Making that happen is going to be a huge task, and will require our revenues to grow significantly and very quickly. So it is with great pleasure and excitement that I formally announce that Shoe String Media has gone into partnership with Pinstripe Media, the company behind brands such as Kochie’s Business Builders on Yahoo!7 and various content on other international networks.

This partnership means that Pinstripe Media will become heavily involved with sales activities across our publications allowing us to work collaboratively with brands to reach a combined audience of readers and viewers. We will also be working on various new projects together around content across shoestring.com.au, aussiebackpacker.com.au and channel123.tv when it launches.

Also, AJ Koch, Director, Creative Solutions and Jamie Trad, Director, Business Development & Strategy at Pinstripe Media will immediately join our company’s advisory board.

Our publications will continue to operate in the same manner with the same editorial contact points and stories that you have come to love reading every day, as we work our way towards 100,000 monthly readers on both publications by the end of the year.