Business strategy

Why blockchain and distributed ledger tech was the right move for the ASX’s failed CHESS replacement plan

- January 23, 2023 2 MIN READ

Ignore the sceptics and naysayers. The ASX’s attempt to replace its ageing Clearing House Electronic Sub-Register System – better known as CHESS – was the right move, despite ending up where it did.  ASX spent vast sums of money attempting to replace CHESS with a complex mix of technologies, including a version of blockchain called… Read more »

team meeting, business

How blockchain is changing the face of digital banking for small business by ending paper guarantees

- June 9, 2021 3 MIN READ

Three months ago, Lygon launched the world’s first digital bank guarantee using blockchain technology, marking the beginning of the end for the paper-based guarantee which has been the dominant form of contractual surety in the western world for around 200 years.  The launch of Lygon was the first time a bank guarantee had been fully… Read more »