Catalan tower

4 things you need to know for startup success

- June 28, 2021 4 MIN READ

Starting a new business is an exciting yet daunting idea for many, and there is a sobering reason for that – statistically, most startups are bound to fail. Despite the unique experiences of each business, there are a few golden rules to follow regardless of your product or service. Here are four key steps on… Read more »


READ BEFORE YOU SPEAK: How preparing documents beforehand can reduce, or speed up, Zoom meetings

- May 8, 2020 3 MIN READ

As most of us are indoors due to the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly every interaction we are having for business or pleasure is happening online – and it’s mostly happening on virtual conferencing tools like Zoom. While this presents many opportunities to connect with our family, friends and colleagues during a difficult time, it has also… Read more »