
Bright Sparks: 3 things you need to see this week

- March 24, 2021 2 MIN READ

Welcome to our weekly column on the important things the startup to see and do for the ANZ startup community, brought to you by the director of the Spark Festival, Maxine Sherrin.

She picks out 3 things worth putting in the dairy for the week ahead. If you’d like to know more, sign up to the Weekly Sparks, Maxine’s roundup of all that’s on in Australian tech and startups. 

You can also catch Maxine on the Startup Daily show on ausbiz every second Tuesday at 2pm talking about the latest startup news. 

Here’s what’s hot this week:


FireTech Technology & Innovation Expo

Thu Mar 25, 9am AEDT


With the nonstop rain inundating the east coast for the last couple of weeks, it’s hard to remember back to the time only a little over a year ago when the country went up in flames.

But those times will be back soon enough, so now is a great time to find out about the latest technology and innovation in the firetech sector.

Hosted at Peregian Digital Hub (which came “this close” to being engulfed by the 2019 fires), but if you’re not lucky enough to be on the Sunshine Coast, you can also catch it online.


Investing Opportunities in Recycling & The Circular Economy

Thu Mar 25, 12pm AEDT


The promise of the circular economy is that we can rethink our current consumer lifestyle and build value while also reducing waste.

We’ll do this by designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems. But beyond its obvious climate impact, the circular economy is also a multi-trillion-dollar investment opportunity.

Tune into this session to learn about opportunities for Australian investors and get some tips for how to start investing in the circular economy today. 


Guide to Business Models

Thu Mar 25, 12pm AEDT


Being able to develop iterative plans for the successful operation of a business is vital to maintaining growth and innovative practices throughout the lifespan of any venture.

Swing by Fishburners for this session where you’ll see how innovative business models are just as important as innovative products and services, and understand how the business model must evolve as the business grows.

Revenue streams, cost structures, and the practices of business modeling: you’ll be all over it after this Lunch’n’Learn.