
Malcolm Turnbull Wishes to “Crowd Source” Advice from Startups!

- June 28, 2012 < 1 MIN READ

I am absolutely loving Asher Moses’ web series Digital Dreamers on the SMH every week for the past month or so, he has done a great job highlighting both sides of the entrepreneurial challenges for startups and new businesses coming out from Australia, notably in the Tech Space.

In his latest episode, he sat down with Malcolm Turnbull [the only Federal Minister that would sit down with him] and discussed the situation of Australia’s Startup Scene. As an entrepreneur himself [in the tech space] I have to say I found what he had to say refreshing and encouraging:

It has always puzzled me that we have always had a very large Venture Capital Industry in Australia, but it is almost entirely focused on mining. You know there are few industries that are more risky than minerals resourcing and coal and gas, but we always have plenty of money for them.

With Technology in particular we are pretty reluctant, I think it is changing, but I think it is important that we should encourage a stronger entrepreneurial culture  in Australia. We need to make it easier to start companies.

If anyone has some good suggestions on how we can grow the tech space, make it easier for Aussie’s to keep companies here and change the current culture, Malcolm wants to hear from you – he is looking to “Crowd Source” some advice and suggestions to take back to the party and use this to influence policies they are looking at leading up to the election.

Fill in the below form if you would like to be heard, we will make sure we leave this form live for the next 14 days and then send across directly to him and his office.